run (fullfile ('..', 'install_vsdp.m'))

Linear Programming

In this section we describe how linear programming problems can be solved with VSDP. In particular, two linear programs are considered in detail.

First example

Consider the linear program in primal standard form

\[\begin{split} \begin{array}{ll} \text{minimize} & 2x_{2} + 3x_{4} + 5x_{5}, \\ \text{subject to} & \begin{pmatrix} -1 & 2 & 0 & 1 & 1 \\ 0 & 0 & -1 & 0 & 2 \end{pmatrix} x = \begin{pmatrix} 2 \\ 3 \end{pmatrix}, \\ & x \in \mathbb{R}^{5}_{+}, \end{array} \end{split}\]

with its corresponding dual problem

\[\begin{split} \begin{array}{ll} \text{maximize} & 2 y_{1} + 3 y_{2}, \\ \text{subject to} & z = \begin{pmatrix} 0 \\ 2 \\ 0 \\ 3 \\ 5 \end{pmatrix} - \begin{pmatrix} -1 & 0 \\ 2 & 0 \\ 0 & -1 \\ 1 & 0 \\ 1 & 2 \end{pmatrix} y \in \mathbb{R}^{5}_{+}. \end{array} \end{split}\]

The unique exact optimal solution is given by \(x^{*} = (0, 0.25, 0, 0, 1.5)^{T}\), \(y^{*} = (1, 2)^{T}\) with \(\hat{f}_{p} = \hat{f}_{d} = 8\).

The input data of the problem in VSDP are:

A = [-1, 2,  0, 1, 1;
      0, 0, -1, 0, 2];
b = [2; 3];
c = [0; 2; 0; 3; 5];
K.l = 5;

To create a VSDP object of the linear program data above, we call the VSDP class constructor and do not suppress the output by terminating the statement with a semicolon ;.

obj = vsdp (A, b, c, K)
obj =
  VSDP conic programming problem with dimensions:

    [n,m] = size(obj.At)
     n    = 5 variables
       m  = 2 constraints

  and cones:

     K.l = 5

  Compute an approximate solution:

    'obj = obj.solve()'

  Detailed information:  ''

The output contains all relevant information about the conic problem and includes the command obj.solve to proceed.

By calling the obj.solve method on the VSDP object obj, we can compute an approximate solution x, y, and z, for example by using SDPT3. When calling obj.solve without any arguments, the user is asked to choose one of the supported solvers.

obj.solve ('sdpt3');

 num. of constraints =  2
 dim. of linear var  =  5
   SDPT3: Infeasible path-following algorithms
 version  predcorr  gam  expon  scale_data
    NT      1      0.000   1        0    
it pstep dstep pinfeas dinfeas  gap      prim-obj      dual-obj    cputime
 0|0.000|0.000|6.3e+00|2.6e+00|5.0e+02| 1.000000e+02  0.000000e+00| 0:0:00| chol  1  1 
 1|1.000|0.867|9.5e-07|3.7e-01|8.7e+01| 4.535853e+01  2.191628e+00| 0:0:00| chol  1  1 
 2|1.000|1.000|1.9e-06|3.1e-03|1.1e+01| 1.670044e+01  5.453562e+00| 0:0:00| chol  1  1 
 3|0.928|1.000|1.6e-07|3.1e-04|1.1e+00| 8.503754e+00  7.407909e+00| 0:0:00| chol  1  1 
 4|1.000|0.591|1.0e-07|1.5e-04|7.9e-01| 8.626424e+00  7.841794e+00| 0:0:00| chol  1  1 
 5|0.971|0.984|3.0e-09|5.4e-06|2.2e-02| 8.015560e+00  7.993623e+00| 0:0:00| chol  1  1 
 6|0.988|0.988|7.1e-10|3.7e-07|2.6e-04| 8.000185e+00  7.999926e+00| 0:0:00| chol  1  1 
 7|0.989|0.989|1.1e-10|4.3e-09|2.9e-06| 8.000002e+00  7.999999e+00| 0:0:00| chol  1  1 
 8|0.997|1.000|9.4e-13|2.2e-11|3.9e-08| 8.000000e+00  8.000000e+00| 0:0:00|
  stop: max(relative gap, infeasibilities) < 1.00e-08
 number of iterations   =  8
 primal objective value =  8.00000003e+00
 dual   objective value =  7.99999999e+00
 gap := trace(XZ)       = 3.88e-08
 relative gap           = 2.28e-09
 actual relative gap    = 2.27e-09
 rel. primal infeas (scaled problem)   = 9.39e-13
 rel. dual     "        "       "      = 2.19e-11
 rel. primal infeas (unscaled problem) = 0.00e+00
 rel. dual     "        "       "      = 0.00e+00
 norm(X), norm(y), norm(Z) = 1.5e+00, 2.2e+00, 3.0e+00
 norm(A), norm(b), norm(C) = 4.5e+00, 4.6e+00, 7.2e+00
 Total CPU time (secs)  = 0.21  
 CPU time per iteration = 0.03  
 termination code       =  0
 DIMACS: 1.1e-12  0.0e+00  2.6e-11  0.0e+00  2.3e-09  2.3e-09

The solver output is often quite verbose. Especially for large problems it is recommended to display the solver progress. To suppress solver messages, the following option can be set:

obj.options.VERBOSE_OUTPUT = false;

To permanently assign an approximate solver to a VSDP object, use the following option:

obj.options.SOLVER = 'sdpt3';

By simply typing the VSDP object’s name, the user gets a short summary of the solution state.

obj =
  VSDP conic programming problem with dimensions:

    [n,m] = size(obj.At)
     n    = 5 variables
       m  = 2 constraints

  and cones:

     K.l = 5

      Solver 'sdpt3': Normal termination, 0.3 seconds.

        c'*x = 8.000000025993693e+00
        b'*y = 7.999999987362061e+00

  Compute a rigorous lower bound:

    'obj = obj.rigorous_lower_bound()'

  Compute a rigorous upper bound:

    'obj = obj.rigorous_upper_bound()'

  Detailed information:  ''

On success, one can obtain the approximate solutions for further processing.

format short
x =
y =
x =

y =

The approximate solution is close to the optimal solution \(x^{*} = (0, 0.25, 0, 0, 1.5)^{T}\), \(y^{*} = (1, 2)^{T}\).

With this approximate solution, a rigorous lower bound fL of the primal optimal value \(\hat{f}_{p} = 8\) can be computed by calling:

format long
obj.rigorous_lower_bound ();
fL =
fL =  7.999999987362061

Similarly, a rigorous upper bound fU of the dual optimal value \(\hat{f_{d}}\) can be computed by calling:

obj.rigorous_upper_bound ();
fU =
fU =  8.000000025997927

The summary output of the VSDP object contains the information about the rigorous error bounds, as well. It can be extracted if necessary.

obj =
  VSDP conic programming problem with dimensions:

    [n,m] = size(obj.At)
     n    = 5 variables
       m  = 2 constraints

  and cones:

     K.l = 5

      Solver 'sdpt3': Normal termination, 0.3 seconds.

        c'*x = 8.000000025993693e+00
        b'*y = 7.999999987362061e+00

      Normal termination, 0.0 seconds, 0 iterations.

          fL = 7.999999987362061e+00

      Normal termination, 0.0 seconds, 0 iterations.

          fU = 8.000000025997927e+00

  Detailed information:  ''

Despite the rigorous lower bound fL, the solution object contains more information:

  1. Y is a rigorous interval enclosure of a dual feasible near optimal solution and

  2. Zl a lower bound of each cone in \(z = c - A^{*} y\). For a linear program this is a lower bound on each component of z.

format short
format infsup
 Y =
Zl =
intval Y = 
[    0.9999,    1.0000] 
[    2.0000,    2.0001] 
Zl =

Since Zl is positive, the dual problem is strictly feasible, and the rigorous interval vector Y contains a dual interior solution. Here only some significant digits of this interval vector are displayed. The upper and lower bounds of the interval Y can be obtained by using the sup and inf routines of INTLAB. For more information about the intval data type see [22].

The information returned by vsdp.rigorous_upper_bound is similar:

  1. X is a rigorous interval enclosure of a primal feasible near optimal solution and

  2. Xl a lower bound of each cone in X. Again, for a linear program this is a lower bound on each component of X.

X  =
Xl =
intval X = 
[    0.0000,    0.0001] 
[    0.2500,    0.2501] 
[    0.0000,    0.0001] 
[    0.0000,    0.0001] 
[    1.5000,    1.5001] 
Xl =

Since Xl is a positive vector, X is contained in the positive orthant and the primal problem is strictly feasible.

Summarizing, we have obtained a primal-dual interval solution pair with an accuracy measured by

\[ \mu(a, b) = \dfrac{a-b}{\max\{1.0, (|a| + |b|)/2\}}, \]

see [10].

format shorte
mu = (fU - fL) / max (1, (abs (fU) + abs(fL)) / 2)
mu =    4.8295e-09

This means, that the computed rigorous upper and lower error bounds have an accuracy of eight to nine decimal digits.

Second example with free variables

How a linear program with free variables can be rigorously solved by VSDP is demonstrated by the following example with one free variable \(x_{3}\):

\[\begin{split} \begin{array}{ll} \text{minimize} & \begin{pmatrix} 1 & 1 & -0.5 \end{pmatrix} x, \\ \text{subject to} & \begin{pmatrix} 1 & -1 & 2 \\ 1 & 1 & -1 \end{pmatrix} x = \begin{pmatrix} 0.5 \\ 1 \end{pmatrix} \\ & x_{1}, x_{2} \in \mathbb{R}_{+}^{2}, \\ & x_{3} \in \mathbb{R}. \end{array} \end{split}\]

The optimal solution pair of this problem is \(x^{*} = (\frac{5}{6}, 0, -\frac{1}{6})^{T}\), \(y^{*} = (\frac{1}{6}, \frac{5}{6})^{T}\) with \(\hat{f}_{p} = \hat{f}_{d} = \frac{11}{12} \approx 9.166\ldots\).

When entering a conic problem the order of the variables is important:

  1. free variables,

  2. non-negative variables,

  3. second-order cone variables,

  4. semidefinite variables.

All involved VSDP quantities, the constraint matrix A, the primal objective c, the primal solution x, as well as z, follow this order. In the second linear programming example, the free variable is \(x_{3}\) and the non-negative variables are \(x_{1}\) and \(x_{2}\), respectively. Second-order cone variables and semidefinite variables are not present.

Therefore, the problem data are:

K.f = 1;  % number of free variables
K.l = 2;  % number of non-negative variables
A = [ 2, 1, -1;   % first column corresponds to free variable x3
     -1, 1,  1];  % second and third to bounded x1, x2
c = [-0.5; 1; 1]; % the same applies to c
b = [0.5; 1];

The whole VSDP computation can be done in a few lines of code:

obj = vsdp (A, b, c, K);
obj.options.VERBOSE_OUTPUT = false;
obj.solve ('sdpt3') ...
   .rigorous_lower_bound () ...
   .rigorous_upper_bound ();


obj =
  VSDP conic programming problem with dimensions:

    [n,m] = size(obj.At)
     n    = 3 variables
       m  = 2 constraints

  and cones:

     K.f = 1
     K.l = 2

      Solver 'sdpt3': Normal termination, 0.3 seconds.

        c'*x = 9.166666669227741e-01
        b'*y = 9.166666662221519e-01

      Normal termination, 0.0 seconds, 0 iterations.

          fL = 9.166666662221495e-01

      Normal termination, 0.0 seconds, 0 iterations.

          fU = 9.166666669227844e-01

  Detailed information:  ''