Free Variables
run (fullfile ('..', 'install_vsdp.m'))
warning ('off', 'Octave:divide-by-zero');
Free Variables¶
Free variables often occur in practice. Handling free variables in interior-point algorithms is a pending issue (see for example [2, 3, 15, 17]). Frequently problems with free variables are converted into one with restricted variables by representing the free variables as a difference of two non-negative variables. This approach increases the problem size and introduces ill-posedness, which may lead to numerical difficulties.
For example we consider the test problem nb_L1
from the DIMACS test library [20].
The problem originates from side lobe minimization in antenna engineering.
This is a second-order cone programming problem with 915 equality constraints,
793 SOCP blocks each of size 3,
and 797 non-negative variables.
the problem has two free variables
that are described as the difference of four non-negative variables.
This problem can be loaded from the test
directory of VSDP.
SDPT3 solves the problem without warnings, although it is ill-posed according to Renegar’s definition (see [21]):
load (fullfile ('..', 'test', 'nb_L1.mat'));
obj = vsdp (A, b, c, K);
obj.options.VERBOSE_OUTPUT = false;
obj.solve('sdpt3') ...
.rigorous_lower_bound () ...
.rigorous_upper_bound ()
warning: rigorous_lower_bound: Conic solver could not find a solution for perturbed problem
warning: called from
rigorous_lower_bound at line 174 column 5
ans =
VSDP conic programming problem with dimensions:
[n,m] = size(obj.At)
n = 3176 variables
m = 915 constraints
and cones:
K.l = 797
K.q = [ 793 cones (length = 2379) ]
Solver 'sdpt3': Normal termination, 10.6 seconds.
c'*x = -1.301227063328808e+01
b'*y = -1.301227079584390e+01
Solver 'sdpt3': Unknown, 12.9 seconds, 1 iterations.
fL = -Inf
Solver 'sdpt3': Normal termination, 32.7 seconds, 2 iterations.
fU = -1.301227062881248e+01
The rigorous lower bound is infinite, check dual infeasibility:
'obj = obj.check_dual_infeasible()'
Detailed information: ''
These results reflect that the interior of the dual feasible solution set is empty.
An ill-posed problem has the property
that the distance to primal or dual infeasibility is zero.
As above, if the distance to dual infeasibility is zero,
then there are sequences of dual infeasible problems with input data
converging to the input data of the original problem.
Each problem of the sequence is dual infeasible
and thus has the dual optimal solution \(-\infty\).
Hence, the result \(-\infty\) of vsdp.rigorous_lower_bound
is exactly the limit of the optimal values of the dual infeasible problems
and reflects the fact that the distance to dual infeasibility is zero.
This demonstrates that the infinite bound computed by VSDP is sharp,
when viewed as the limit of a sequence of infeasible problems.
We have a similar situation if the distance to primal infeasibility is zero.
If the free variables are not converted into restricted ones, then the problem is well-posed and a rigorous finite lower bound can be computed:
load (fullfile ('..', 'test', 'nb_L1free.mat'));
obj = vsdp (A, b, c, K);
obj.options.VERBOSE_OUTPUT = false;
obj.solve('sdpt3') ...
.rigorous_lower_bound () ...
.rigorous_upper_bound ()
ans =
VSDP conic programming problem with dimensions:
[n,m] = size(obj.At)
n = 3174 variables
m = 915 constraints
and cones:
K.f = 2
K.l = 793
K.q = [ 793 cones (length = 2379) ]
Solver 'sdpt3': Normal termination, 11.1 seconds.
c'*x = -1.301227062100383e+01
b'*y = -1.301227081903705e+01
Solver 'sdpt3': Normal termination, 14.9 seconds, 1 iterations.
fL = -1.301227081922505e+01
Normal termination, 2.7 seconds, 0 iterations.
fU = -1.301227062000819e+01
Detailed information: ''
Therefore, without splitting the free variables, we get rigorous finite lower and upper bounds of the exact optimal value with an accuracy of about eight decimal digits. Moreover, verified interior solutions are computed for both the primal and the dual problem, proving strong duality.