Semidefinite Programming
run (fullfile ('..', 'install_vsdp.m'))
Semidefinite Programming¶
The primal standard form of a conic program with \(n_{s}\) symmetric positive semidefinite cones
with symmetric \(s_{j} \times s_{j}\) matrices \(A_{ij}\) and \(C_{j}\). The dual problem form is
First SDP-Example¶
We consider an example from the CSDP User’s Guide [4]:
where \(b = \begin{pmatrix} 1 \\ 2 \end{pmatrix}\),
In the vectorized format the corresponding coefficient matrix At
and the primal objective vector c
At{1} = [ 3; 1;
1; 3;
0; 0; 0;
0; 0; 0;
0; 0; 0;
1; 0;
0; 0 ];
At{2} = [ 0; 0;
0; 0;
3; 0; 1;
0; 4; 0;
1; 0; 5;
0; 0;
0; 1 ];
At = [At{:}];
b = [ 1;
2 ];
c = [ -2; -1;
-1; -2;
-3; 0; -1;
0; -2; 0;
-1; 0; -3;
0; 0;
0; 0];
And the cone structure K
for this problem is
K.s = [2 3 2];
obj = vsdp (At, b, c, K);
Before one starts with approximately solving the SDP, one can check for diagonal only SDP cones and convert them to linear cones. This is beneficial for two reasons: Firstly, storing linear cones requires less memory, and secondly, VSDP does not have to compute eigenvalues for the cone verification.
obj = obj.analyze (true);
warning: analyze: K.s(3) seems to only have diagonal elements.
warning: called from
analyze>pattern1 at line 72 column 7
analyze at line 50 column 5
--> Convert it to LP block.
When calling vsdp.analyze
with the argument true
all possible optimization are applied.
Note that in the original example by Borchers [4]
the last cone was already marked as diagonal only.
This was only changed for the sake of demonstration.
Now we compute approximate solutions by using vsdp.solve
and then rigorous error bounds by using vsdp.rigorous_lower_bound
and vsdp.rigorous_upper_bound
obj.options.VERBOSE_OUTPUT = false;
obj.solve('sdpt3') ...
.rigorous_lower_bound() ...
ans =
VSDP conic programming problem with dimensions:
[n,m] = size(obj.At)
n = 11 variables
m = 2 constraints
and cones:
K.l = 2
K.s = [ 2, 3 ]
Solver 'sdpt3': Normal termination, 0.5 seconds.
c'*x = -2.749999966056186e+00
b'*y = -2.750000014595577e+00
Normal termination, 0.0 seconds, 0 iterations.
fL = -2.750000014595577e+00
Normal termination, 0.0 seconds, 0 iterations.
fU = -2.749999966061941e+00
Detailed information: ''
Those approximations match the true primal and dual optimal objective function value \(\hat{f}_{d} = \hat{f}_{d} = -2.75\).
To compare the approximate solution X
, y
, and Z
with the unique solution \(\hat{X}\), \(\hat{y}\), and \(\hat{Z}\) from
the vectorized solution quantities x
and z
have to be transformed back to matrices by using vsdp.smat
and the appropriate scaling factor alpha
format short
alpha = 1/2; % Invert scaling by "vdsp.svec"
x = vsdp_indexable (full (, obj);
X1 = vsdp.smat ([], x.s(1), alpha) % SDP Block 1
X2 = vsdp.smat ([], x.s(2), alpha) % SDP Block 2
X3 = x.l % LP Block
X1 =
0.12500 0.12500
0.12500 0.12500
X2 =
0.66668 0.00000 -0.00002
0.00000 0.00000 0.00000
-0.00002 0.00000 0.00000
X3 =
y =
y =
alpha = 1; % Invert scaling by "vdsp.svec"
z = vsdp_indexable (full (, obj);
Z1 = vsdp.smat ([], z.s(1), alpha) % SDP Block 1
Z2 = vsdp.smat ([], z.s(2), alpha) % SDP Block 2
Z3 = x.l % LP Block
Z1 =
0.25000 -0.25000
-0.25000 0.25000
Z2 =
0.00000 0.00000 0.00000
0.00000 2.00000 0.00000
0.00000 0.00000 2.00000
Z3 =
The computation of the rigorous lower bounds
involves the computation of the smallest eigenvalues
\(= \lambda_{\min}([Z_{j}])\) for \(j = 1,2,3\).
Zl ='
Zl =
0.75000 1.00000 0.00000 0.00000
Y =
intval Y =
Since all Zl >= 0
it is proven that all matrices \(Z_{j}\) are in the interior of the cone \(\mathcal{K}\)
and Y
is a rigorous enclosure of a dual strict feasible (near optimal) solution.
Analogous computations are performed for the rigorous upper bound.
Here lower bounds on the smallest eigenvalue of the primal solution are computed
\(= \lambda_{\min}([X_{j}])\) for \(j = 1,2,3\).
Xl ='
Xl =
0.0000000090495 0.0000000067871 0.0000000135747 0.0000000029910
The matrix X
is a rigorous enclosure of a primal strict feasible (near optimal) solution
and can be restored from the vectorized quantity
as shown for the approximate solution.
We omit the display of the interval matrix X
for brevity.
Since all Xl
are non-negative,
strict feasibility for the primal problem is proved.
Thus strong duality holds for this example.
clear all
Second SDP-Example¶
Now we consider the following example (see [11]):
with Lagrangian dual
c = @(DELTA) ...
[ 0; 1/2; 0;
1/2; DELTA; 0;
0; 0; DELTA ];
At = {};
At{1} = [ 0; -1/2; 0;
-1/2; 0; 0;
0; 0; 0 ];
At{2} = [ 1; 0; 0;
0; 0; 0;
0; 0; 0 ];
At{3} = [ 0; 0; 1;
0; 0; 0;
1; 0; 0 ];
At{4} = [ 0; 0; 0;
0; 0; 1;
0; 1; 0 ];
At = [At{:}];
b = @(EPSILON) [1; EPSILON; 0; 0];
K.s = 3;
The linear constraints of the primal problem form imply
iff \(X_{22} \geq 0\), \(X_{33} \geq 0\), and \(\varepsilon X_{22} - 1 \geq 0\). The conic constraint of the dual form is
Hence, for
\(\varepsilon \leq 0\): the problem is primal infeasible \(\hat{f}_{p} = +\infty\).
\(\delta < 0\): the problem is dual infeasible \(\hat{f}_{d} = -\infty\).
\(\varepsilon = \delta = 0\): the problem is ill-posed and there is a duality gap with \(\hat{f}_{p} = +\infty\) and \(\hat{f}_{d} = -1\).
\(\varepsilon > 0\) and \(\delta > 0\): the problem is feasible with \(\hat{f}_{p} = \hat{f}_{d} = -1 + \delta / \varepsilon\).
To obtain a feasible solution, we set \(\delta = 10^{-2}\) and \(\varepsilon = 2\delta\). Thus the primal and dual optimal objective function value is \(\hat{f}_{p} = \hat{f}_{d} = -0.5\) and one can start the computations with VSDP.
DELTA = 1e-4;
obj = vsdp (At, b(EPSILON), c(DELTA), K);
obj.options.VERBOSE_OUTPUT = false;
obj.solve('sdpt3') ...
.rigorous_lower_bound() ...
ans =
VSDP conic programming problem with dimensions:
[n,m] = size(obj.At)
n = 6 variables
m = 4 constraints
and cones:
K.s = [ 3 ]
Solver 'sdpt3': Normal termination, 0.6 seconds.
c'*x = -4.999999947476755e-01
b'*y = -5.000000065021177e-01
Normal termination, 0.0 seconds, 0 iterations.
fL = -5.000000065021177e-01
Solver 'sdpt3': Normal termination, 0.7 seconds, 1 iterations.
fU = -4.999999933708725e-01
Detailed information: ''
Everything works as expected.
VSDP computes finite rigorous lower and upper bounds fU
and fL
Weak duality,
e.g. \(\hat{f}_{p} \geq \hat{f}_{d}\) and fU >= fL
holds for the approximate and rigorous solutions.
The accuracy of rigorous the error bounds can again be measured by
format shorte
fL =;
fU =;
mu = (fU - fL) / max (1, (abs (fU) + abs(fL)) / 2)
mu = 1.3131e-08
successful termination reported by an approximate solver gives no guarantee
on the quality of the computed solution.
Only fU
and fL
are reliable results,
which are computed by the functions vsdp.rigorous_lower_bound
and vsdp.rigorous_upper_bound
To emphasize this, one can apply SeDuMi to the same problem:
obj.options.SOLVER = 'sedumi';
obj.solve() ...
.rigorous_lower_bound () ...
.rigorous_upper_bound ()
ans =
VSDP conic programming problem with dimensions:
[n,m] = size(obj.At)
n = 6 variables
m = 4 constraints
and cones:
K.s = [ 3 ]
Solver 'sedumi': Normal termination, 0.5 seconds.
c'*x = -4.999990761443555e-01
b'*y = -4.999968121457571e-01
Solver 'sedumi': Normal termination, 0.5 seconds, 1 iterations.
fL = -5.000035760394096e-01
Solver 'sedumi': Normal termination, 0.5 seconds, 1 iterations.
fU = -4.999953448740588e-01
Detailed information: ''
SeDuMi terminates without any warning, but the approximate results are poor. Since the approximate primal optimal objective function value is smaller than the dual one. Weak duality is not satisfied.
f_obj =;
f_obj(1) >= f_obj(2)
ans = 0
As already mentioned, weak duality holds for the rigorous error bounds by VSDP:
fL =;
fU =;
fU >= fL
ans = 1
In general the quality of the rigorous error bounds strongly depends on the computed approximate solution and therefore on the used approximate conic solver. For example compare the accuracy of SeDuMi below with SDPT3 above:
format short e
acc_mu = (fU - fL) / max(1.0, (abs(fU) + abs(fL)) / 2)
acc_mu = 8.2312e-06