A Priori Bounds
run (fullfile ('..', 'install_vsdp.m'))
A Priori BoundsΒΆ
In many practical applications the order of the magnitude of a primal or dual optimal solution is known a priori. This is the case in many combinatorial optimization problems, or, for instance, in truss topology design where the design variables such as bar volumes can be roughly bounded. If such bounds are available they can speed up the computation of rigorous error bounds for the optimal value substantially, see [10].
For linear programming problems the upper bound for the variable \(x^{l}\) is a vector \(\bar{x}\) such that \(x^{l} \leq \bar{x}\). For second-order cone programming the upper bounds for block variables \(x_{i}^{q}\) with \(i = 1,\ldots,n_{q}\) can be entered as a vector of upper bounds \(\overline{\lambda}_{i}\) of the largest eigenvalues
Similarly, in semidefinite programs upper bounds for the primal variables \(X_{j}^{s}\) can be entered as a vector of upper bounds of the largest eigenvalues \(\lambda_{\max}(X_{j}^{s})\), \(j = 1,\ldots,n_{s}\). An upper bound \(\bar{y}\) for the dual optimal solution \(y\) is a vector which is elementwise larger than \(y\). Analogously, for conic programs with free variables the upper bound can be entered as a vector \(\bar{x}\) such that \(|x^{f}| \leq \bar{x}\).
As an example, we consider the Second SDP-Example with an upper bound \(xu = 10^{5}\) for \(\lambda_{\max}(X)\).
DELTA = 1e-4;
c = [ 0; 1/2; 0;
1/2; DELTA; 0;
0; 0; DELTA ];
At = {};
At{1} = [ 0; -1/2; 0;
-1/2; 0; 0;
0; 0; 0 ];
At{2} = [ 1; 0; 0;
0; 0; 0;
0; 0; 0 ];
At{3} = [ 0; 0; 1;
0; 0; 0;
1; 0; 0 ];
At{4} = [ 0; 0; 0;
0; 0; 1;
0; 1; 0 ];
At = [At{:}];
b = [1; EPSILON; 0; 0];
K.s = 3;
obj = vsdp (At, b, c, K);
obj.options.VERBOSE_OUTPUT = false;
Now we compute approximate solutions by using vsdp.solve
and then rigorous
error bounds by using vsdp.rigorous_lower_bound
and vsdp.rigorous_upper_bound
xu = 1e5;
yu = 1e5 * [1 1 1 1]';
obj.solve('sedumi') ...
.rigorous_lower_bound(xu) ...
ans =
VSDP conic programming problem with dimensions:
[n,m] = size(obj.At)
n = 6 variables
m = 4 constraints
and cones:
K.s = [ 3 ]
Solver 'sedumi': Normal termination, 0.5 seconds.
c'*x = -4.999990761443555e-01
b'*y = -4.999968121457571e-01
Normal termination, 0.0 seconds, 0 iterations.
fL = -5.000869997554969e-01
Normal termination, 0.0 seconds, 0 iterations.
fU = -4.997496499568883e-01
Detailed information: 'obj.info()'
yielding rigorous error bounds with reasonable accuracy:
format shorte
fL = obj.solutions.rigorous_lower_bound.f_objective(1);
fU = obj.solutions.rigorous_upper_bound.f_objective(2);
mu = (fU - fL) / max (1, (abs (fU) + abs(fL)) / 2)
mu = 3.3735e-04
The advantage of rigorous error bounds computed with a priori bounds on the solution is, that the computational effort can be neglected.